The Ghost in the Machine: The impact of Cyber-physical interactions on Data Centric Engineering

Learn more Register here Add to Calendar 10/31/2018 03:00 PM 10/31/2018 04:00 PM Europe/London The Ghost in the Machine: The impact of Cyber-physical interactions on Data Centric Engineering Location of the event
Wednesday 31 Oct 2018
Time: 15:00 - 16:00

Event type


About the event

Synopsis: Networks of sensor devices are being embedded into the world around us, indeed we are already seeing the benefits that data from sensor-based systems bring to asset management, condition monitoring and other engineering applications. To ensure their continuous operation requires new network protocols, data analytics, but what is less understood is the impact and strong understanding of how the physical world impacts on this cyber world. This talk will mention some of the key challenges that such interactions bring and what technologies we have been developing to help the continuous assurance that sensed data is correct, timely and cost-effective. 

Prof Julie A. McCann is a Professor of Computer Systems in Imperial College London (IC), where she leads the Adaptive Embedded Systems Engineering Research Group, she is Director for the Imperial wide Centre for Smart Connected Futures, was Co-Director of the Intel Collaborative Research Institute for Sustainable Cities and she is CI for the NEC Smart Water Systems Lab and many other substantive projects with industry and academia with a focus on networking and sensing infrastructures to support environments such as smart cities, water and gas networks etc. She is CI on the EPSRC energy/water/food nexus WefWebs project where her focus is on precision farming and wine making.

In the past, her NERC FUSE project designed and deployed a now patented sensing infrastructure for floodplain monitoring in Oxfordshire which serendipitously lead to the patented Cognisense system that can be used for asset monitoring. Her research typically takes the angle of being highly decentralized and self-organizing frugal, and embedded. She is a Fellow of the British Computer Society and is the Associate Editor for ACM Transactions on Adaptive Autonomic Systems (TAAS), has been General and Technical chair for the IEEE International Conference on Self-Adaptive and Self-Organising systems (SASO) and IEEE SECON 2016, SMARTCOMP 2017 and 2019 and has been on the programme committee for IEEE INFOCOM, ACM UBICOMP and many more. Julie has presented her work in A* conferences and keynoted at the Indian Science Conclave Congregation of Nobel Prize Winners, for the encouragement of disadvantaged kids into science and computing in 2008 and in 2018 she received the Suffrage Science award in Maths and Computer Science for scientific achievements and ability to inspire others.



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