Skills-based modelling of economic development paths

Learn more Register here Add to Calendar 06/06/2019 01:30 PM 06/06/2019 05:30 PM Europe/London Skills-based modelling of economic development paths Location of the event
Thursday 06 Jun 2019
Time: 13:30 - 17:30

Event type


Audience type



Through a novel data modelling approach, a new project 'Network modelling of the UK's skill base' aims to shed light on the industrial diversification potential of UK cities from a skills-based perspective.

About the event

The UK Government is encouraging cities to prepare for the economy of the future through, amongst other things, investing in skills. Policy makers, however, face a 'data deficit' on skills, which impedes strategic planning and decision-making. Through a novel data modelling approach, a new project 'Network modelling of the UK's skill base' aims to shed light on the industrial diversification potential of UK cities from a skills-based perspective. This project received funding from the Turing-HSBC-ONS Economic Data Science Awards 2018.

This event will introduce the economic complexity framework and skill-based network modelling of economic development paths, introduce the project and some preliminary findings, and provide a practical tutorial covering key tools and concepts. The agenda is as follows:

1:30 - 2:45 PM: Lecture by Dr. Neave O'Clery on skills-based modelling of development paths

3:15 - 4:00 PM: Project introduction by Dr. Neave O'Clery and research team (Francesca Froy, Dr. Daniel Straulino and Dr. Camila Rangel Smith)

4:15 - 5:30 PM: Turorial hosted by Dr. Daniel Straulino and Dr. Camila Rangel Smith

Attendees for the practical tutorial should bring a laptop. No specific background knowledge or software is required.


Further info

The workshop will be held in the Enigma Room at the Alan Turing Institute.


The Alan Turing Institute

1st floor of the British Library, 96 Euston Road, London, NW1 2DB

51.5297753, -0.12665390000006