Registration from 10:15, event starts at 10:45.
About the event
Personalised healthcare, individualisation of treatment through the identification of those patients most likely to demonstrate a response to a particular treatment, is an area of increasing interest throughout academia, the NHS, as well as industry. This is attractive to patients in that they receive the most appropriate treatment regime as well as to healthcare providers and payers as they are no longer funding treatments not delivering benefit.
One of the key drivers for this is the increased availability and quality of molecular profiling data on patients from development in technologies such as next generation sequencing, facilitating both the discovery of biomarkers that can be used to identify responding patients as well as implementing this approach within medical practice.
There have been many statistical challenges in translation of these approaches to provide the right therapy to the right patient, such as appropriately incorporating biomarkers in designing clinical trials, methods of patient stratification, controlling false positive rates, and related diagnostics and therapeutic issues. Of late, researchers have also been designing so-called ‘basket’ and ‘umbrella’ trials of the more general ‘master protocols’ allowing the simultaneous testing of multiple drugs targeting multiple mutations and multiple disease-types.
The US Food and Drug Administration has also recently published it’s very first draft guidance on Master Protocols. The event aims to bring UK experts in the field to present their research on these topics and foster discussion for future research direction, and is open to all researchers with an interest in personalised healthcare.
Please note that this event is for a technical/professional audience. We are seeking delegates from a range of backgrounds working in the healthcare sector either in academia or industry, with an affiliation to an academic institution, government organisation or sector relevant company.