An event series for Turing-Roche partnership updates, knowledge sharing and new perspectives. Find out more about the series.
This event will be on the theme of Digital Health. We'll be exploring how the increasing amount of collected 'footprint' data can be used to develop healthcare research and products and considerations around this.
About the event
We'll be hearing from Elizabeth Dolan, PhD Student at University of Nottingham’s Digital Economy Horizon Centre of Doctoral Training and N/LAB research centre for the use of big data and machine learning, Jian Dai, Expert Data Scientist and Ophthalmology Imaging R&D Lead, Data Science Capability Lead and Yajing Zhu, Principal Data Scientist and Neuroscience Network Lead, both at Roche.
Elizabeth will be discussing AI in population health surveillance through digital footprint data and the Turing Interest Group Novel Data Linkages for Health and Wellbeing.
Jian and Yajing will be giving an overview of the Data, Analytics, and Imaging Data Science Capabilities in the personalized healthcare department at Roche.
The event will conclude with a Q&A, we also hope to continue discussions pre and post the event via our Turing-Roche Slack Workspace which you can join.
Watch now
You can watch a recording of this event here.