Data Study Group Final Report: eGym


Improved strength training using smart gym equipment data

We were provided with information about users of specialised smart gym equipment and usage data over a period of 2 years. The brief was to explore the data and provide insight into how best to help users improve performance. Of particular interest was the link between training and increased strength (as measured by the machines). Also of interest were longitudinal usage of gym-goers, with the view of aiding adherence to the program, and the creation of a simple performance metric by which user improvement could be measured.

Citation information

Data Study Group team. (2020, April 17). Data Study Group Final Report: eGym. Zenodo.

Additional information

James Owers, University of Edinburgh
Patric Fulop, University of Edinburgh
Ming Li
Chimdimma Noelyn Onah, University of Manchester.
Veronika Siska, University of Cambridge
Louis Soussand, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center
Keiran Suchak, Leeds Institute for Data Analytics
Angus Williams, Quantum Black

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