A probabilistic algorithm for the secant defect of Grassmann varieties


In this paper we study the higher secant varieties of Grassmann varieties in relation to Waring's problem for alternating tensors and to Alexander-Hirschowitz theorem. We show how to identify defective higher secant varieties of Grassmannians using a probabilistic method involving Terracini's Lemma, and we describe an algorithm which can compute, by numerical methods, dim(G(k,n)^{s}) for n<=14. Our main result is that, except for Grassmannians of lines, if n<=14 and k<=(n-1)/2 (if n=14 we have studied the case k<=5) there are only the four known defective cases: G(2,6)^{3}, G(3,7)^{3}, G(3,7)^{4} and G(2,8)^{4}.

Citation information

McGillivray, B. (2006). A probabilistic algorithm for the secant defect of Grassmann varieties. Linear Algebra and its Applications , vol. 418(2-3)

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