Projections of spherical Brownian motion


We obtain a stochastic differential equation (SDE) satisfied by the first n coordinates of a Brownian motion on the unit sphere in Rn+ℓ. The SDE has non-Lipschitz coefficients but we are able to provide an analysis of existence and pathwise uniqueness and show that they always hold. The square of the radial component is a Wright-Fisher diffusion with mutation and it features in a skew-product decomposition of the projected spherical Brownian motion. A more general SDE on the unit ball in Rn+ℓ allows us to geometrically realize the Wright-Fisher diffusion with general non-negative parameters as the radial component of its solution.

Citation information

Mijatović, A., Mramor, V. and Bravo, G.U., 2018. Projections of spherical Brownian motion. arXiv preprint arXiv:1806.00266.

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