Bea is currently a Turing Research Fellow at the Alan Turing Institute, working in the Data Science for Science programme.
The first contact with the Turing was as an Enrichment Student, starting in October 2019. She was a PhD student at the University of Manchester, where she started her final year of a PhD in Bioimage Analysis. She is the creator of the ALFRED software (Advanced Labelling, Fitting, Recognition and Enhancement of Data), a tool to analyse pathological mutations in neurons. Before moving to the UK in 2016, Bea completed her integrated Master’s degree in Biomedical Engineering at the University of Coimbra, in Portugal, where she is originally from. Her master’s thesis was on computational modelling of neuronal growth. She has always been interested in applying computational methods and solutions to further understand neurodegenerative diseases.
After the PhD, Bea worked as a Post-Doctoral Research Associate within the ASG programme. A
s a science communicator, Bea is one of the hosts of the Turing Podcast, and often speaks at events for all ages to talk about science and scientific careers. On her free time, she also does amateur stand-up comedy.
Research interests
As a Fellow, Bea is currently working in the project Building a 'Google Maps' for molecular and cellular biology using graph theory to retrieve relevant structures from images.
Bea is an organiser of the Learning the organisational principles of living systems interest group.
During her work as a PDRA, Bea was working in the Molecular Structure from Images Under Physical Constraints by applying machine learning methods to the analysis of CryoEM images.
Bea is also involved in the development of computer vision tools for scientific imagery – Scivision.
Achievements and awards
President's Doctoral Scholar Award, The University of Manchester