Dr Jasmina Bogojeska

jasmina bogojeska


Senior Principal Data Scientist, Roche Diagnostics


Jasmina Bogojeska is a Senior Principal Data Scientist at Roche Diagnostics working on digital health solutions for improving patients care. Before joining Roche she was a machine learning scientist at IBM Research – Zurich working in the areas of machine learning, deep learning and natural language processing (NLP). She received her M.S. and Ph.D. degrees both in Computer Science from the Max-Planck Institute for Informatics/Saarland University, Germany in 2007 and 2011, respectively. The main focus of her work is application-inspired machine learning where she is developing and applying machine learning solutions to various challenging real-world problems from the areas of healthcare, services research and document analysis. Jasmina has published her research in renowned international journals and presented her work at national and international conferences. She was a recipient of the IMPRS-CS fellowship awarded by the Max-Planck Society in 2005, IBM’s Corporate Research Award in 2017 and several IBM research accomplishment awards.