Professor Manuela Veloso

Manuela Veloso


Head of J.P. Morgan Chase AI Research and Herbert A. Simon University Professor at Carnegie Mellon University


Manuela Veloso is the Head of J.P. Morgan AI Research & Herbert A. Simon University Professor Emeritus in the School of Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon University, where she was previously Head of the Machine Learning Department. She served as president of AAAI, and the co-founder and a Past President of the RoboCup Federation. She is Fellow of AAAI, IEEE,  AAAS, and ACM. She is an international expert in artificial intelligence and robotics. 

At CMU, she founded the CORAL lab for  research and engineering of agents that Collaborate, Observe, Reason, Act, and Learn. With her students, she contributed planning and learning algorithms for soccer robot teams, and autonomous service robots, the CoBot robots. Realizing the fact that robots, and AI agents, inevitably have perceptual, cognitive, and actuation limitations, she introduced a new symbiotic autonomy, in which robots proactively ask humans for help to compensate for their limitations. With her students, their robot soccer teams were RoboCup champions multiple times, and their CoBot robots symbiotic-autonomously traverse the corridors of the university buildings for more than 1,000 kms. 

In 2018, Manuela Veloso joined JPMorgan Chase to create and lead a new AI Research group. She has since gathered a team of close to 80 AI PhD and MS researchers focusing on AI in Finance, in the areas of financial crime, data sharing, multiagent market systems, responsible AI, and process automation. 

Manuela Veloso has co-authored more than 400 publications and has now advised 45 PhD students, who are leaders in academia and industry.