Monica Fletcher OBE, FERS, FQNI, MSc, PGCE, DipN



Honorary Research Fellow, Usher Institute, University of Edinburgh


Advocacy Lead Asthma UK Centre for Applied Research (AUKCAR), Partnerships & Sustainability Lead for BREATHE HDRUK Respiratory Datahub and is invoved in several large grants focussed on digital and data innovations in health. She was the only nurse a team of GSK Global Respiratory Medical Experts. She was CEO of Education for Health, an international not for profit organisation, for 17 years which focussed on education and research in long term conditions. Monica is passionate about engaging those living with long term medical conditions in decisions about their health and was Chair of the European Lung Foundation and Chair of the UK Inhaler Group. Monica has wide experience of advocacy from a National, European and Global level through membership of the World Health Organisation Global Alliance Against Respiratory Disease (GARD), the American Thoracic Society and the European Respiratory Society