Dr Konstanty Korski

konstanty korski


Senior Expert Pathologist and R&D Lead for Digital Pathology, Roche

Konstanty Korski is a Senior Expert Pathologist and R&D Lead for Digital Pathology in the Roche pharma personalised healthcare (phc) Data, Analytics & Imaging group in Basel, Switzerland.

He graduated from the Poznan University of Medical Sciences (2001) and is board certified in general pathology (2008). Since his graduation, he served as a staff pathologist in the Pathology Department at the Greater Poland Cancer Center in Poznan, Poland, where his main focus was breast and gynecologic pathology, cytopathology, immunohistochemistry and molecular pathology. At that time, in one of his roles he coordinated tumor sample collection process in the collaborative international effort - The Cancer Genome Project (TCGA).

Konstanty joined Roche in 2014 at the Roche Innovation Centre Munich where he focused on the application of digital pathology to tumor tissue analysis and immune microenvironment characterization in the context of early phase clinical trials. In 2020, Konstanty joined the phc group in Basel where he leads the R&D DP team. The team concentrates on the extraction of information from the digital images of the H&E slides and on translating it to predictive/prognostic algorithms using state-of-the-art machine learning techniques. 

He has co-authored more than 30 peer reviewed publications and three patent applications.