Dr. Anastasia Mantziou is a Postdoctoral Research Associate at The Alan Turing Institute supervised by Gesine Reinert and Mihai Cucuringu from the University of Oxford. Prior to that, she was a Research Assistant in statistical cyber-security at Imperial College London. She completed her PhD in Statistics at Lancaster University under the supervision of Dr Simon Lunagomez, Dr Robin Mitra and Professor Paul Fearnhead. Her research interests include network analysis, Bayesian methods and topic modelling. Her research has been applied to networks emerging from various scientific fields such as neuroscience, ecology and computer science (human tracking systems).
Research interests
Anastasia is currently working on network time series data with application on economics, under the economic networks and transaction data project in The Alan Turing Institute. This is in collaboration with the Office for National Statistics (ONS). This project aims to build an understanding of networked data emerging from firm-to-firm transaction data held by ONS by reducing the complexity of such data, and economic modelling and forecasting.