PhD from Indian Institute of Technology Indore (IIT Indore)
Ph.D Research Project: System Evolution Analytics: Pattern mining and Deep learning of an Evolving system
M.Tech Research Project: Automated Web Service Change Management AWSCM - A Tool
- Worked as Visiting faculty of Cloud Computing (course material) at IET-DAVV for 22 hours in 15 days. The course is conducted to teach final (4th) year undergraduate students.
- Worked as a "Senior Student Research Associate" & "Project Associate" at Indian Institute of Technology - Kanpur
- Research intern in Motorola Mobility - Bangalore. Developed Big Data Analytic system on Hadoop and Storm.
Volunteer IEEE CloudCom 2014 and 36th IEEE/ACM - ICSE 2014
Research interests
Animesh is working on Hate speech project.
ACM KDD 2020, HyperText 2020, CIKM 2020
Achievements and awards
Selected in HLF 2019 as 200 Young Researcher.
Selected for Schloss Dagstuhl Seminar.
IEEE Trans. on Services Comp.,
IEEE Trans. ET Computational Intelligence,