Dr Animesh Chaturvedi

Photo of: Animesh Chaturvedi


Research Associate


PhD from Indian Institute of Technology Indore (IIT Indore)

Ph.D Research Project: System Evolution Analytics: Pattern mining and Deep learning of an Evolving system

M.Tech Research Project: Automated Web Service Change Management AWSCM - A Tool

- Worked as Visiting faculty of Cloud Computing (course material) at IET-DAVV for 22 hours in 15 days. The course is conducted to teach final (4th) year undergraduate students.

- Worked as a "Senior Student Research Associate" & "Project Associate" at Indian Institute of Technology - Kanpur

- Research intern in Motorola Mobility - Bangalore. Developed Big Data Analytic system on Hadoop and Storm.

Volunteer IEEE CloudCom 2014 and 36th IEEE/ACM - ICSE 2014

Research interests

Animesh is working on Hate speech project


ACM KDD 2020, HyperText 2020, CIKM 2020