Professor Athanasios Tsanas

Athanasios Tsanas


Professor (Personal Chair) of Digital Health and Data Science

Former position

Turing Fellow

Partner Institution


Thanasis studied Engineering for his undergraduate and MSc degrees and completed a PhD in Applied Mathematics at the University of Oxford (2012). He continued working at the University of Oxford as a Research Fellow in Biomedical Engineering and Applied Mathematics (2012-2016), Stipendiary Lecturer in Engineering Science (2014-2016), and Lecturer in Statistical Research Methods at the Said Business School (2016-2019). He joined the Usher InstituteEdinburgh Medical SchoolUniversity of Edinburgh in January 2017 on a prestigious 5-year tenure-track Chancellor’s Fellowship, where he secured tenure early (December 2019), was promoted to Associate Professor in Data Science (August 2020) and to a Personal Chair (Full Professor) in Digital Health and Data Science (October 2022). Thanasis founded and leads the inter-disciplinary Data Analytics, Research and Technology in Healthcare (DARTH) group. He is Director of Knowledge Exchange and Research Impact at the Usher Institute, and Co-Director of Telescot, an inter-disciplinary academic programme focusing on telemedicine. He is Co-founder of the NHS Digital Academy, the world’s first national digital health leadership training programme, where he was the Theme Lead in ‘Actionable Data Analytics and Clinical Decision Support’ (2018-2022). He has served as an Expert Scientific Advisor for the Ministry of Health in the Greek government since 2020 advising on healthcare policy.

Research interests

Broadly the development and application of time-series analysis, signal processing, and statistical machine learning algorithms, with applications in healthcare. For further details and research updates see:

Achievements and awards

Dr Tsanas received the Andrew Goudie award (top PhD student across all disciplines, St. Cross College, University of Oxford, 2011), the EPSRC Doctoral Prize award (2012) as one of only 8 Oxford PhD students across 11 departments, the young scientist award (MAVEBA, 2013), the EPSRC Statistics and Machine Learning award (2015), and the BIOSTEC/Biosignals award (2021). He received a ‘Best reviewer award’ from the IEEE Journal of Biomedical Health Informatics (2015) and an 'Outstanding reviewer' award from the journal Computers in Biology and Medicine (2015). He was a key member of the Oxford Biomedical Engineering team that won the annual 2012 Physionet competition on ‘Predicting mortality of ICU patients’. His research work has been highlighted in Renewable Energy and Global Innovations, HDRUK as publication of the month (9/2019) and in the media including Reuters. He sits on the Editorial Boards of JMIR Mental Health, JMIR mHealth and uHealth, and Frontiers in Neurology, and has served as Guest Editor for two special issues in other journals. He is a Senior Member of IEEE, a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Medicine.