Professor Cagatay Turkay

Cagatay Turkay

Former position

Turing Fellow

Partner Institution


Cagatay Turkay is a Professor at the Centre for Interdisciplinary Methodologies at the University of Warwick, UK. Before that he was first a Lecturer and then a Senior Lecturer at the Department of Computer Science at City, University of London between 2014 to 2019. He received his PhD degree in Visualisation from University of Bergen, Norway in 2014 and served as a visiting research fellow at Harvard University in 2013.

His research has been supported by national (EPSRC, NERC), international (EC H2020) and industry funded projects. He frequently publishes his research on visualisation journals such as IEEE TVCG, CGF, and IEEE CG&A, as well as journals in machine learning and data mining, and also recently co-authored a coursebook titled “Visual Analytics for Data Scientists’. Turkay has been in editorial roles for journals such as ACM Transactions in Interactive and Intelligent Systems, Computers and Graphics, and IEEE CG&A and co-organising and chairing events such as IEEE VIS, BioVis and EuroVA to name a few. Cagatay has been awarded the EuroVis Young Researcher 2019 award and named a EuroGraphics Junior Fellow in 2019. 

Research interests

Cagatay’s research investigates the interactions between data, algorithms and people, and explores the role of interactive data visualisations and other interaction mediums such as natural language at this intersection. He designs techniques and algorithms that are sensitive to their users in various decision-making scenarios involving primarily high-dimensional and spatio-temporal phenomena, and develops methods to study how people work interactively with data and computed artefacts.