Cami Rincón

Cami Rincon


Research Application Officer

Former position

Research Assistant


Cami Rincón is a Research Application Officer who works across Public Policy (PP) and Tools, Practices and Systems (TPS). Cami has experience in community organising, participatory design, and emancipatory approaches to technology.
Prior to joining The Alan Turing Institute, Cami researched risks and opportunities for LGBTQ+ people across branches of AI, with a focus on developing AI voice applications competent of trans people's needs and experiences. This work was accepted at the 24th ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and developed into an intensive course for UAL’s Creative Computing Institute (CCI). Cami is a Special Lecturer at CCI, and a Conversational Expert at the Conversation Design Institute, with whom Cami developed a Conversational AI Ethics and Participatory Design course. Cami’s project “Queering Voice-AI: Syb”, co-created with Feminist Internet, was selected for the New New Fellowship 2021. 

Cami holds a BA in Human Development from The Evergreen State College, and an MSc in Management of Innovation from Goldsmiths, University of London, awarded with distinction.