Professor David De Roure

Photo of: David De Roure

Former position

Turing Fellow

Partner Institution


David De Roure is Professor of e-Research at University of Oxford, where he is jointly based in the Department of Engineering Science and the Humanities Division. He was previously Director of the Oxford e-Research Centre 2012-17.

David's research is distinctively interdisciplinary: his major recent grants are Fusing Audio and Semantic Technologies, The Theory and Practice of Social Machines, and Cyber Security of the Internet of Things. He is best known for his work on semantic web, scientific workflow systems, and digital musicology, and is a frequent speaker on the future of digital scholarship.

From 2009-13 David was the UK National Strategic Director for Digital Social Research for the Economic and Social Research Council, and subsequently a Strategic Advisor. He was closely involved in the UK e-Science programme and a founder of the UK Software Sustainability Institute.

Prior to moving to Oxford in 2010 David was Professor of Computer Science at University of Southampton, UK. He holds a PhD in Computer Science from Southampton. He is a Fellow of the British Computer Society and a Fellow of the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications. 


Research interests

David's interests are in Digital Humanities and collaborations with libraries, archives, and creative industries. He is part of the Data Science and Digital Humanities Interest Group.

His research activities are primarily focused on data science and music, including the use of AI in composition.

He is also interested in social data science, focusing on new and emerging forms of data and especially Internet of Things.

David has a longstanding interest in research infrastructure, including computational methods, automation, and software sustainability, and is interested in developing further work in computational archival science.