Ioannis Kosmidis is a Professor of Statistics at the Department of Statistics, University of Warwick, Theory and Methods Challenge Fortnights Lead, and Turing Fellow at The Alan Turing Institute, the UK's national institute for data science and artificial intelligence.
He obtained his BSc in Statistics from the Athens University of Economics and Business in 2004. He was awarded a PhD in Statistics in
Research interests
Ioannis' theoretical and methodological research focuses on optimal estimation and inference from complex statistical models, penalized and pseudo-likelihood methods and clustering. A particular focus of his work is the development of efficient, in terms of computational complexity and implementation, algorithms for applying the methods he develops to prominent data-analytic scenarios. He is doing extensive work in producing corresponding, well-documented, open-source software that delivers the methodological advances to the data science community and beyond (see his software page for information). Ioannis also actively engages in a range of cross-disciplinary applications (e.g. applications in earthquake engineering, finance, sport and health analytics, and neuroscience), particularly in settings where statistical modelling and the associated algorithms can impact policy-making.
He is a founding member of the Data science for sports, activity, and well-being Turing Interest Group, before which he led and run the Statistics in Sports and Health research group at UCL between 2014 and 2017.
He is an associate editor for Biometrika and the Journal of Statistical Software, and a member of the Research Section of the Royal Statistical Society. Detailed, up-to-date information on his research, teaching, enabling and engaging activities can be found on his website and his CV.