Dr Oliver Davis

Oliver Davis


Turing Interest Group organiser, University of Bristol

Former position

Turing Fellow

Partner Institution


Oliver Davis is Associate Professor and Turing Fellow at Bristol Medical School and the MRC Integrative Epidemiology Unit at the University of Bristol, where he co-directs the Dynamic Genetics Lab with Professor Claire Haworth. Oliver read Natural Sciences at Cambridge, studied for a PhD in social, genetic and developmental psychiatry at King’s College London (KCL) and held a Sir Henry Wellcome Research Fellowship, visiting the Wellcome Trust Centre for Human Genetics in Oxford and the European Bioinformatics Institute near Cambridge. He held academic positions at KCL and UCL before moving to Bristol in 2015.

Research interests

Mental health and wellbeing are influenced by a complex interplay of social, genomic and developmental factors. Understanding these patterns and how we can intervene to promote good mental health is one of the greatest and most important challenges of our time.

Oliver’s research in mental health data science and digital epidemiology uses emerging technologies to collect, analyse and visualize data from large population samples around the world, exploring the dynamic relationship between social and genomic factors and wellbeing over the life course. Recent research from the lab includes the spACE project which is mapping geographical variation in social and genetic influences on complex traits, and the EMBERS project which is collecting millions of social media interactions from thousands of participants in epidemiological cohorts to track dynamic social and genetic influences on wellbeing in emerging adulthood.