Dr Thomas Gorochowski

Thomas Gorochowski


Co-Director, Bristol BioDesign Institute

Former position

Turing Fellow

Partner Institution


Thomas Gorochowski is a Royal Society University Research Fellow and Co-Director of the Bristol BioDesign Institute. Having received an MEng in Computer Science from the University of Warwick and PhD in Complex Systems Theory from the University of Bristol, he has since transitioned into the area of Bioengineering, working across both industry as a Marie Curie Fellow at DSM in the Netherlands, and academia as part of the Synthetic Biology Centre at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA. In 2016, he established the Biocompute Lab at the University of Bristol to better understanding the computational architecture of biological systems from the molecular to ecosystem level with the goal of rationally engineering new functionalities across these scales.

Research interests

Thomas’ research interests encompass a broad range of scientific areas covering both theoretical and experimental approaches to reprogramming living cells. At the Turing he is aiming to establish a community to explore Data-centric Biological Design that brings together advances in high-throughput experimental methods and data science to accelerate and guide more effective bioengineering practices.