Yulan He is a Professor in Natural Language Processing at the Department of Informatics in King's College London. She is currently holding a prestigious UKRI Turing AI Fellowship (2021-2025). Yulan’s research interests lie in the integration of machine learning and natural language processing for text analytics. She has published over 200 papers. Topics include natural language understanding, sentiment analysis and opinion mining, question-answering, topic and event extraction, biomedical text mining, social media analytics and fake news detection.
She has received several prizes and awards, including a SWSA Ten-Year Award, a CIKM 2020 Test-of-Time Award, and AI 2020 Most Influential Scholar Honourable Mention by AMiner. She has served as a Program Co-Chair for EMNLP 2020, the General Chair for AACL-IJCNLP 2022, an Action Editor for Transactions of the ACL and an Associate Editor for the Royal Society Open Science journal. Yulan obtained her PhD degree in Spoken Language Understanding from the University of Cambridge.