Sebastian Ahnert is a University Lecturer at the Department of Chemical Engineering & Biotechnology, University of Cambridge. He gained his PhD in theoretical physics from the University of Cambridge and then worked as a postdoc in the Bioinformatics group at the Institut Curie in Paris, before returning to Cambridge for a Leverhulme Fellowship, followed by a Royal Society University Research Fellowship and a Gatsby Career Development Fellowship.
Sebastian is a Senior Research Fellow at the Turing, developing a research programme that applies Machine Learning and AI to Molecular Biology.
Research interests
Sebastian’s research interests lie in the intersection of theoretical physics, biology, mathematics and computer science.
He is particularly interested in using algorithmic descriptions of structures and functional systems in order to quantify and classify their complexity. Examples of the application of such approaches include pattern detection in gene expression data, the classification of protein quaternary structure, the structure of genotype-phenotype maps, and the identification of large-scale features in complex networks.
Connected to this he is also interested in interdiscliplinary applications of network analysis, particularly in the context of digital methods and large-scale data analysis in the humanities. He is a Co-I on the AHRC-funded 'Networking the Archives: Assembling and Analysing Early Modern Correspondence’.