Online hate monitor

Understanding the prevalence of online abuse


The Alan Turing Institute’s Public Policy programme published a new policy briefing on 27 November 2019: How much online abuse is there? A systematic review of evidence for the UK.

The briefing identifies some considerable shortfalls in existing monitoring practices for online abuse and its recommendations include: a representative survey dedicated to understanding the experience of people in the UK of online abuse should be administered each year, and a new platform for monitoring the prevalence of online abuse in real-time should be created. Researchers from the programme will create this monitoring tool over the coming months, and make it freely available on this website for all to use. They are also building out other resources, data-driven and theoretical analysis, and policy reports, which will be shared with the research community.

For further information about The Alan Turing Institute’s research into online abuse, see the Hate Speech: Measures & Counter-measures project or contact the lead author, Dr. Bertie Vidgen, [email protected].

Please note that the policy briefing contains some terms and phrases that are considered ‘online abuse’ or ‘hate speech’. These have been included for educational and research purposes.

Report summary

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Full report

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This work was supported by Wave 1 of The UKRI Strategic Priorities Fund under the EPSRC Grant EP/T001569/1, particularly the “Criminal Justice System” theme within that grant, and The Alan Turing Institute.

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