Q. What do we mean by multiple long-term conditions (MLTC)? Does this relate to health?
The term ‘multiple long-term conditions’ refers to the existence of two or more long-term health conditions in a single individual. This can include conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, depression, dementia, Crohn’s & colitis, and epilepsy.
Q. What's a consortium/consortia?
A research consortium refers to a group of researchers (individuals and groups) coming together to work on a specific goal or project. The AIM programme includes 8 consortia.
Q. What conditions are studied?
The AIM consortia study a variety of conditions These include but are not limited to, learning disabilities,
Q. Where are the AIM consortia and AIM RSF based?
The AIM programme is based around the UK:
AIM RSF: Based at the Alan Turing Institute, Swansea University and the University of Edinburgh
AIM-CISC: Based at the University of Edinburgh with collaborators at the Roslin Institute, NHS Lothian and University College London
AI-MULTIPLY: Based at Newcastle University and Queen Mary University of London
Cluster-AIM: Based at the University of Southampton, University of Oxford, University of Kent, University of Nottingham, and University of Leicester
DECODE: Based at Loughborough University, Leicestershire NHS Partnership Trust, University of Leicester and, Swansea University, Kings College London, University of Plymouth, De Montfort University and the University of Nottingham
DynAIRx: Based at University of Liverpool, University of Leeds, University of Manchester, and the University of Glasgow
MELD-B: Based at the University of Southampton with collaborators at the University of Glasgow, Swansea University, Southampton City Council, University of Aberdeen and King’s College London
OPTIMAL: Based at the University of Birmingham and the University of Oxford with collaborators at University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Trust, NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde and the University of St Andrews. and the University of Manchester
CoMPuTe: Based at the University of Oxford, University of Leeds and University College London
Q. What data sets are used by the AIM consortia?
The AIM consortia duse a variety of data sources including CPRD, SAIL & UK BioBank
Q. Does the RSF process the data on behalf of the consortia?
The AIM RSF does not process data.
The AIM RSF provides support to the AIM consortia, including technical advice and training.
Q. Who funds the Programme?
The AIM consortia and the Research Support Facility are funded by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) as part of the AI for Multiple Long-Term Conditions programme
More information about this can be found here: https://www.nihr.ac.uk/explore-nihr/funding-programmes/ai-award.htm#two
Q. Can I get involved with a consortium as a patient/member of the public?
The AIM RSF runs a Community of Practice for people with lived experience to engage with each other and with researchers investigating multiple long-term conditions research.
Sign up for the monthly meetings here
Q. Can I get involved in a consortium as a researcher?
If you have identified a specific consortium that you would like to engage with, contact them directly