
The Scivision project aims to connect computer vision model developers to image data providers from diverse scientific fields.

Project status



Computer vision technology has had a huge impact within many scientific disciplines, however, it can be difficult for researchers unfamiliar with computer vision methods to determine the best algorithm for analysing their data. Scivision is an open-source software tool allowing users to explore a range of computer vision models and datasets hosted in the Scivision catalogue in order to find new ways to apply computer vision in their research. The Scivision community brings together computer vision experts and users to share data and methods, collaborate on new techniques, and discuss advances in computer vision.

Explaining the science

Modern scientific research is inherently interdisciplinary. Scivision embraces this interdisciplinarity by bringing together researchers working across distinct domains of science, all of whom are using computer vision in their research. Rather than duplicating their work in independent silos, the researchers began by identifying common data challenges across projects that apply machine learning to the sciences. The Scivision framework cuts across different projects, agnostic to both the algorithms in use and the intended applications. As an example of how computer vision techniques are transferable across data from different disciplines, consider the case of mapreader for plant phenotyping.

Project aims

Scivision aims to be a well-documented and generalisable framework for applying computer vision methods to a diverse range of imagery. The Scivision framework will serve as a bridge between data owners, or domain experts who collect and curate image datasets, and developers by:

  • Empowering domain experts to easily access and integrate the latest CV tools
  • Enabling algorithm developers to distribute their tools to users across research fields
  • Evolving with a focus on the needs and priorities of both developers and users
  • Creating and maintaining a community of interdisciplinary contributors
  • Facilitating application of computer vision tools to different scales and formats of data


Repurposing MapReader model for Automated Plant Phenotyping

Understanding how the genetics of plants interact with their environment to produce certain characteristics or 'phenotypes' is critical to understand how they might grow under different conditions. In relation to agriculture, extracting accurate data on phenotype may help us to better manage plants to produce higher-yield, more resilient crops, and plan for future food security by predicting how crops may grow under various climate change scenarios.

State-of-the-art plant phenotyping platforms have recently been established in the UK, such as the National Plant Phenomics Centre that collect high spatiotemporal resolution imagery of plants, as well as data on plant genetics and environmental conditions. However, extracting phenomic data from these images is expensive and time consuming to carry out manually.

We are working with the National Plant Phenomics Centre (NPPC) to automate extraction of plant phenotype data from various datasets, including time-series images of individual Brassica napus plants. We want to track the change and emergence of different plant structures (such as leaves, flowers, branches and seed pods) over time.

Through the Scivision framework we were able to load example plant data (at individual and satellite scale) and perform inference with a MapReader model trained on NPPC images of individual Brassica plants.

MapReader is an end-to-end computer vision (CV) pipeline developed to analyse historical maps as scale, using a patch classification approach to identify landscape features i.e. railways and buildings, and examine change in these classes over time. Through the Scivision framework we were able to use an adapted version of a model trained through the MapReader pipeline to classify various plant structures (i.e. flowers, leaves, seed pods) at patch level, and examined how the abundance and distribution of these different structures change over time as plants grow.

Recent updates

  • May 2021: Scivision package released on PyPI
  • November 2021: Scivision used in Turing DSG on plankton identification
  • March 2022: Scivision team presented several use cases at AI UK
  • May 2022: Scivision Example Gallery published
  • November 2022: Launch of the Scivision website
  • April 2023: Scivision team created fortnightly community meeting, "Image Analysis Across Domains"
  • July 2023: PixelFlow development began
  • March 2024: PixelFlow launched at AI UK
  • July 2024: Scivision website fully updated


Dr Scott Hosking

Co-director for Natural Environment, Turing Research and Innovation Cluster in Digital Twins (TRIC-DT)

Researchers and collaborators

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