Previous internship programme

Testimonials and projects from our previous internship scheme


National Grid

In a project provided by the National Grid, three interns from the University of Oxford, University of Sheffield and Newcastle University were tasked with providing new and improved methods for forecasting wind and solar generation output in the UK.

The interns undertook weekly visits to the Electricity National Control Centre, familiarising themselves with the Grid’s computer systems, database and internal workings.

They implemented methods and produced code. For wind generation, this was using a ‘Gaussian process’ method, and for solar generation, a chain of different methods using machine learning and computational statistics were used.

“Everyone was extremely helpful and collaborative. It was excellent working on a project with clear impact on people’s lives”

– Bernardo Perez Orozco, intern, University of Oxford.


An internship project with Siemens Industrial Turbomachinery focused on predictive monitoring of gas turbine engines to continuously assess the health of the system. It centred on developing the tools and knowledge to deliver more efficient maintenance schedules, avoiding the consequences related to unexpected failures, and improving the resilience of these complex engineering structures for a safer society.

“Before the internship began, we often couldn’t see the wood for the trees when trying to understand some of the problems we were experiencing. Now with the help of our hard-working and intelligent intern, we are finally gaining valuable insight into previously unrecognised relationships” 

– Tony Latimer, Group Manager, Remote Diagnostics and Services, Siemens Industrial Turbomachinery Ltd